Big Family meeting in Harz

25th of October 2017

hiking in Hartz

My grandmother had birthday a few days ago and my whole family from my mothers side met in the Harz (east germany) for a week. We were almost 30 at the beginning and had a house to ourselves. It was a lot of fun meeting all my cousins and aunts/uncles, especially since I hadn't seen many of them in a long time. There was a billiard table and a lot of board games. Apart from that we had trips planed for almost every day of the week.

Today we went to visit the mountain "Brocken" which translates to chunk or lump (the name shows great imagination xD ). There is a steam train going up the "Brocken" and we took it to go up. I am pretty sure it was the first time for me to take a steam train anywhere and it was interesting standing outside between the wagons watching the lok spitting steam while pulling everything up the mountain.

After a meal on top of the mountain most of the group walked down. Starting from a paved road that led to a gravel path on to a track through the forest it took us a few hours to arrive back at the lower train station.